One of our listed Prime Clients from the Mall industry faced a lot of issue in managing the tedious task of logging the Retail Store Opening & Closing time on a particular day. Below is the standard process for completing the activity
- A Mall Executive us assigned to go on rounds starting from the 1st Store to the Last store within the Mall
- The executive conducts the first round in the morning to visit each retail Store & note down the opening time on paper by asking the assigned Store Manager.
- The process of recording Store opening times takes up to 4.5 hours.
- At night post 10.00 AM, the executive conducts another round to log the store closing time on paper by verifying if the shutter is down.
- The process of recording Store opening times takes up to 4.5 hours.
- At Day end, all manually recorded timings are entered into a standard excel template & forwarded to the Operations Team.
- The operations team analyzes for any deviations/flags in the store opening/closing times to ensure Stores are opened & Closed on-time within the mall.
The entire process manually took alot of time , which otherwise could be used in more productive actitivities.
With eFacilito – A single Platform to engaging both Retail Stores & Operations Team within the Mall , we managed to automate the entire process by developing the required tools to fulfill the purpose.
eFacilito Dashboard now comes with the Below Portal for retailers to log their Store Opening & Closing time , along with other general functions like Gate Pass , Work Permits , Feedback , Complaints, etc.
As soon as the store is opened, the retail User needs to login to eFacilito & click on Punch IN Button to Log their Store Opening time.

Before Closing the Store, the retail User needs to login to eFacilito & click on Punch OUT Button to Log their Store Closing time. After which the user can shutdown his store and leave.

The Last Punch-IN & Punch-OUT Label will get reset at Day-end & will be available the next day to log Latest Store Opening & Closing timings.

With eFacilito we managed to streamline a decade long process within the Mall , allowing Both Retailers & Operations Team get the best of our eFacilito.
The effort , cost & time in conducting the same process manually is now reduced upto 95%.